Tuesday, April 22, 2008


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Monday, April 14, 2008

Book Review

Half Moon Investigations

By Eoin Colifer

Rating: OOOOO (five moons out of five)

The way of the detective, Fletcher moon tries to be. But all that will change when a case pops up that could change his life.

Fletcher Moon a kid with the power of ten 5th graders. Why, because Fletcher is the only kid he knows that's an actual detective. Fletcher is a certified detective from the Bernstein's detective school and will do anything to solve a case. One day a case pops up for a missing organizer. Guess who was behind it, Herod Sharky. The sharkys are always at the top of the suspect list for crimes. The reason is because the Sharkeys are the family that does everything. Most crimes are done by the Sharkys, It runs in their blood. After Herod gets caught His big bro Red comes to pick him up. Red is not as big as a crime person as the rest of the Sharkys. After that case Fletcher hears a noise outside and tries to play it safe and stay in the house. But he couldn't resist. Fletcher hides behind a garden gnome and guess what? Boom! A hurl is thrown at his head and he blacks out. Next thing he knows he's in a hospital bed. As he was getting up he noticed under his cast a name was engraved on his arm. The name was Red. As Fletcher got out of bed to photograph the mark he shortly found out that there was no camera in the area. So he went over to his friends house to photograph it. When hes saw her lucky dress on fire in her backyard. He quickly yelled "fire!". And as he did he collapsed from the amount of energy it took to yell. When he woke up he found himself back in the hospital with a detective by his bedside. The detective told him he was a presumed crazy madman that started the fire. As Fletcher told the detective he was innocent the detective told him he would have to take a police interview. On the way there The ambulance he was riding in broke down and as the driver checked the engine the back door of the ambulance opened. Red Sharky was standing before him and told him he was innocent. Fletcher didn't believe him and Red told him that if he went to the police station he would be sent to jail and Fletcher knew it to. Fletcher grabbed on to his hand and they drove away on Reds bike. What was I thinking he thought as they drove away and he realized he just broke the rules of the book. What will happen? Read Half Moon Investigations to find out.

I liked this book because it is a mystery novel and I like mystery novels. This book also has a good amount of humor to go along with it. I would recommend this book to ages 11 and up because this book takes a little while to read and in the text he talks like a detective so it has some sophisticated words in the text.